Interview with Heather Against Forced Children Vaccinations

The interview with Heather was conducted over the phone. Here is an insight from a mother who has first-hand experience with the consequences of vaccinating her child as her pediatrician recommended.

Parents have more power than you believe. You need to be your child’s voice.


Natascha: Hi Heather,
Today we will be discussing child vaccinations. I believe you are against forced vaccinations, is that right?

Heather: I believe that where there’s a risk there should be a choice. There is always a risk when vaccinating your children because you never know what the reaction can be.

Natascha: Thank you. Can you tell me a little about who you are, your background, and if you have kids of your own?

Heather: Well, my name is Heather. I’m from southern California. I’ve spent most of my life in Missouri. I have a nine-year-old son, and I am currently pregnant with my second child.

Natascha: Congratulations, woohoo!

Heather: Thank you.

Natascha: So you know all about the fears of getting your child vaccinated and being pressured to get your child vaccinated, especially when you’re pregnant. That’s when this subject came to me, being pregnant and after having a baby and getting these vaccinations but not finding a lot of information about it.

Heather: Ya definitely. When I was vaccinating my son or whenever I was pregnant for the first time, I didn’t think anything about it. I was just doing what I was told, basically. You know, the doctor is always right.

Natascha: Exactly, and I’m starting to realize that it is not always the case.

Getting started, I think that one of the major concerns of vaccinating children is if it is worth the risk of injuries such as long-lasting shoulder pains, paralyzation, and even death. Do you think the risk is worth your child having any of these kinds of injuries?

Heather: When I thought vaccinating my son was the right thing to do, I thought I was doing everything right. When I brought up my concerns about my son’s delayed speech and behavior issue, the pediatrician thought it was normal. I knew it wasn’t normal because, you know, mothers know their children, and I knew something was going on. So when I first moved to California in 2016, I started doing more research on vaccines, and then I found a group on Facebook called “Stop Mandatory Vaccinations.” There were a lot of parents on there that were talking about the MTHFR gene and how if you have this gene, your will be more than likely to have a bad reaction to vaccines. So I had my son tested for that gene, and he has that gene. My son growing up-, I had his voice in a lot of situations. So if I knew the information I know now when I was younger, I would have delayed vaccines or not done vaccines at all. I do have friends that vaccinate their children, and they are healthy, and they live normal lives.

Natascha: I am so sorry you guys had to go through that. If vaccines have curred common diseases, is there a healthy medium to waiting to vaccinate children? I know you said that waiting is something to consider. What would you do now as a pregnant mother?

Heather: I personally am not going to do any vaccines while I’m pregnant at all. I don’t feel that they are necessary while being pregnant. I don’t feel like they’re necessary. Your baby is safe in the womb, and if they plan on vaccinating your child for all the things they vaccinate you while you’re pregnant, then what is the point?

Natascha: Absolutely. What about after you have- is it a boy or a girl?

Heather: I’m not sure yet.

Natascha: Oh, how exciting!

Heather: I need to get an ultrasound. My first appointment is on the first. I’m 16 weeks, but I guess a lot of people are pregnant, so I haven’t been able to see a doctor yet, get an ultrasound, those kinds of things.

Natascha: I think it took me till 22 weeks to find out the sex.

Heather: It’s really packed out here.

Natascha: Congratulations, yay! Do you think you will go through with vaccinations once he or she is born?

Heather: Yeah, definitely no.

Natascha: Good.

Heather: Yeah, my experience with my son changed my outlook on everything. I just don’t feel comfortable. I don’t feel right doing it. Basically, I was told that it was normal, and I knew that it wasn’t normal. My son was healthy. I did everything whenever he was supposed to. There was no reason why that happened.

Heather: Another thing that I believe is that they are scheduling the vaccines too early. I feel like it is too much on a little body that hasn’t been here that long. You can always do a delayed vaccine schedule, and you have to find the right doctor that is willing to do that because a lot of doctors won’t even do it. The MMR vaccine is one that I recommend delaying. This is one vaccine that most kids have an issue with. Vaccines are given way too early and too many at a time, and that can be the cause of many of the reactions that the children are experiencing. I do have friends that have done the delayed vaccines, and their kids are fine too.

Natascha: What would be a solution to opening our school to vaccinated and unvaccinated children so that way we don’t have to force these decisions on parents?

Heather: Yes, I honestly don’t know what the school’s deal is when opening the schools to vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Some parents who are vaccinating their children feel that unvaccinated children are putting their children at risk. But that’s not the case. From personal experience, some parents who vaccinate their children aren’t interested in listening to parents who don’t vaccinate their children. So from the parent’s side, I don’t know. From my experience, they don’t care. “Oh, you don’t vaccinate your children? You should vaccinate.” But why, why should I?

Natascha: This is a response I get a lot, especially conducting this line of interviews. If we force vaccinations on people and children, how does it affect a person’s freedom of choice?

Heather: There’s no respecting a person’s freedom of choice if you’re forcing them to vaccinate their children. Like I’ve said before, where there is a risk, there should be a choice. A lot of people feel like it’s not a big deal because the unvaccinated people are putting the vaccinated people at high risk, so that leads them to feel like they should be forced to do something that they don’t want to do because they are putting other people at risk. That’s really what it is. I always say that if you’re vaccinated then you should be protected, right? What does me being vaccinated have to do with you? It’s a lot.

Natascha: Knowing that some kids have severe reactions to vaccines, how do you feel prioritizing the lives of children without reactions and accepting that some will have severe reactions for the benefit of the greater good?

Heather: If someone wants to vaccinate their child, that should be up to them. It shouldn’t be something that we do out of fear. The parents who don’t vaccinate their kids have reasons. They’ve done the research they experience sleepless nights and hospital visits. It’s not something that they just do one day. It’s something that you had to go through or know someone that has had to go through it too.

Natascha: What are the best ways to keep unvaccinated children away from diseases?

Heather: I am a big fan of herbal medicine. I’ve been giving my son herbs since he was four years old. I believe that children who are unvaccinated and children who are vaccinated have about the same risk of getting the same disease. Because vaccines stop you from getting a disease, and it doesn’t make it less severe. That’s just not something you can predict. You can’t predict how someone’s body is going to react to disease if you’re vaccinated or not. Even a doctor will tell you that it’s not going to stop you from getting the disease. They’re going to tell you that it can make it less severe. But they don’t know that either. Because everybody is different, you can’t say how someone’s body is going to react. You just can’t do that.

Natascha: What kind of natural herbs and medicines do you use to keep your child from getting sick.

Heather: I am a big fan of sea moss. That is a sea vegetable with tons of minerals in it, gives them energy and boosts their immune system. Elderberry has been around for a long time. If you go into stores, you will see elderberry gummies and a lot of elderberry supplements. Especially at Sprouts, Clarks and Wholefoods you’ll see that type of stuff. I make elderberry syrup that has elderberry, mullen leaves, wild cherry bark, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and star anise. Those are all powerful herbs that help with mucus, cough, and congestion. I give that to my son all the time. If there is something going around at school, I give it to him. I had COVID. I had COVID twice, actually. But my symptoms weren’t; I was sick for probably two days, but my son never got sick. He tested negative. Everybody in the house tested positive besides him. I was giving him herbs and stuff the whole time, and he never got sick.

Natascha: You need to be taking care of yourself as well as you do your son!

Heather: I know that is how I feel! And then, when I got pregnant, I thought I needed to step my game up. I am better with that. It’s hard whenever you have kids. You feel like you have to take care of them better than you take care of yourself.

Natascha: I know it.

Heather: You have to remember to take care of yourself because if you’re not here, you can’t take care of your kids. So, I have to tell myself that.

Natascha: Thank you so much. It is really nice to have the view of someone in the medical field and with kids. People need to hear this, and I appreciate you taking the time.

End of interview.

Heather proceeded to inform me that if you have your kid tested for any disability and fall into the category of an IUP, they do not have to be vaccinated to go to a public school. You can schedule an IUP meeting through your school.

You can find Heather on Tik Tok @hmonroe2.

Please stay tuned, next week I will be interviewing a teacher that sees the advantages of vaccinating your child and strongly pushes every mother to follow a pediatrician’s guidelines to vaccinate children despite misinformation.

4 thoughts on “Interview with Heather Against Forced Children Vaccinations

  1. Great interview although I do have to object to statements like this from anti vaxxers..
    “I believe that children who are unvaccinated and children who are vaccinated have about the same risk of getting the same disease. Because vaccines stop you from getting a disease, and it doesn’t make it less severe.”
    This is completely false not only do vaccinated people and children have a much less likely chance of getting a given disease but if you get said disease you will have a less severe reaction that the unvaccinated. This is backed up by over a century of data from vaccinated people!!!


    • What you state is false. There is no such data. It is merely advertising by big pharma to make money.

      However, the phrase ‘Because vaccines stop you from getting a disease…’ is false as what is claimed by big pharma is that it helps reduce the risk and if you get the disease it is less severe.

      But even that claim by big pharma is false as injecting toxins into your body merely elicits and immune response. If your immune system is in good order then by and large you will tolerate a poisonous vaccine. If weakened you will suffer various side effects. If your immune system is very poor you may die.


  2. It’s very interesting about those with the MTHFR gene are susceptible to have a reaction to vaccines. If that’s the case all children should be tested to see if they have that gene. Also giving yourself and your children natural herbs can prevent diseases. Natascha you should try to write articles in the local paper. You need more exposure. Your articles are very informative..

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